Sunday, February 14, 2016

Winter Viewpoint

 "Lone Pine"  6x8" Pastel
"Sage Ablaze"  6x8" Pastel

Two of my most recent paintings use the same subject matter, from different points of view. "Lone Pine" shows a solitary pine tree that stands guard over our home, the pine tree which I walk by every day, one under which we pay homage to two beloved cats, one which shelters dozens of quail in winter, eating grain my husband tosses out. I gaze out our bedroom window at the constantly changing designs the melting snow and sunlight make. I often pull out my trusty cell phone and take snapshots of the light, hoping to capture a fleeting moment in time as reference to use later in the studio. If you think about it, it's incredible this small hillside offers such a variety of painting reference: winter cold blues and warm oranges, spring greens, summer sage blues, fall Indian yellow. Testimony that beauty is there, you just have to stop and recognize it.

1 comment:

bob ragland said...

Solid work. Looking good. Nice to see your work. Great command of the medium.