I consider myself a blessed person because I have a passion. Actually I am twice blessed because I have more than one passion!
My first passion of course is art. Painting, drawing, thinking. It's an all consuming passion, one that lives inside me, one that is me. It's who I am. My
Tiny Treasures project has been a huge success in 2006, selling 22 paintings. Let's make 2007 even better . . . if each of you invite one special friend to sign up for my "Tiny Treasures Email List" we can make sure more people enjoy original art in their homes this year!
This marine piece is "San Juan Companions" and is SOLD. See other work in my BLOG or go to my website www.evenhusfineart.com.
My second passion is writing. The simple act of combining words to create new worlds, thoughts, characters, stories. To think that one is allowed to write is incredible. What would happen if your cat were allowed to write his thoughts down? I know - that's weird, but writers sometimes think like that. We are allowed to think different thoughts. I'm working on my first novel.
My third passion is the fiddle. Yup, I play the violin. For five years now. I love it! I just need to work on learning the flats now. I play fiddle music, gypsy, and would love to learn some jazz, too.
My fourth passion is my horses. I love horseback riding. Always have. I can remember standing in the front room of my house as a young girl, maybe 6 or 7 and overlooking a horse in a pasture and asking my parents "why can't we have a horse here?" We lived on 1/2 acre and I was only 6 mind you. But I was determined to have my own horse. So when I was 10 years old, I babysat 3 children (were the parents out of their mind?) one whole summer and made $100. With this I purchased my first horse - "Peppy," a yearling filly. That was my first mistake. Never purchase an unbroke horse for someone who doesn't even know how to ride! (What were my parents thinking?) But it all worked out. I've had several horses since and now live on a mini-ranch of 8 acres with 2 horses, so I can look out my window and see them anytime I want!
What is your passion? 2007 is your time, make it count!