Project Italy is on the back burner for one more week as I finish framing 11 new pieces for my one-woman exhibit at Lemolo's Cafe in Wenatchee, WA during March. I am framing some of the pastels I created during a paint-out on Lopez Island, WA last August.
Also included will be some recent figure paintings. I want to do more figure work because it draws me - not the portrait type, but the shape of the body, the abstract possibilities with fabric and interior settings. Watch for more figure work in my Tiny Treasures.
I will also be showing some of my large oil paintings. These oils are a little more abstract than my pastels. You will enjoy the color and movement in each of them.
So if you are in the vicinity of Wenatchee during March, stop in at Lemolo's at 114 N. Wenatchee Ave. and have lunch and enjoy my artwork and maybe enhance your home with a piece of artwork. All sales go towards my trip to Italy in October 2008.
Lemolo's is open 10:00am to 8:00pm 7 days a week.