My exhibit at Lemolo's Cafe and Deli (across from the Performing Arts Center on Wenatchee Ave.) was hung Saturday, thanks to the fantastic help from my daughter. We hung 23 paintings. There are 4 large oils, and the rest are pastels in a variety of subject matter. It's a kick to see them all together.
If you live within an hour's drive of Wenatchee, WA, it's worth planning to have lunch or dinner at Lemolo's Cafe and enjoy wonderful cuisine and fine art all in one location. If you're traveling through Wenatchee, pause and view this exhibit. It is a cafe whose walls are covered in eye candy, artwork full of dancing brush strokes and extreme color!
Don't be afraid to invest in your emotional future and take one of the pieces home. Hang on your wall and let it fill your soul. You will have invested in my future as well, as all proceeds go towards my trip to Italy in October.
Ahh, now I can get back to the easel. And it will be an easel holding a large white canvas just waiting for the magic provided by a brush and paint, a little imagination and a lot of determination. I can't wait to see where it takes me. I can't wait to show you!
Come back soon.